Montessori is based on years of patient observation and study of children by Dr. Maria Montessori, who was a scientist uniquely educated and qualified for this task.
She was a surgeon, a student of psychology, and a professor of anthropology, a science that is concerned with man in a unique way. She developed her methodology by letting the children show her what worked and what did not work. It is not a “franchise” or “patented” operation. It is in the public domain.
As per the American Montessori Society we are to uphold and to respect the “Three Hour Work Cycle”, the standard of providing an uninterrupted work time.
The purpose of long, uninterrupted blocks of work time is to allow students to freely select work, eventually becoming absorbed in work that has a particular fascination for them at this point in their development. Interruptions disturb the development of the child’s focus, concentration, and opportunity to deeply delve into work. During this uninterrupted work time, Directress’s also have the opportunity to present lessons to the children, ensuring that lessons are given and work is explored in all areas of the classroom.
“I am impressed how it gives kids perspectives on various projects that both of my kids have worked on. My eldest came home one day with a presentation on the lifecycle of a butterfly. She walked through each part of the life-cycle. My youngest did the the same as well. Both of my kids were reading by kindergarten. I am definitely impressed from the teachers who have contributed to my children's education."
Little Acorn Montessori Academy
Little Acorn Montessori Academy