March Recap:
All classes celebrated Read Across America and Dr. Seuss's birthday in March. The children enjoyed reading different books by Dr. Suess and other amazing authors. We also learned about Africa, including the languages spoken and the different countries. Our pre-primary class had fun experimenting with making Oobleck using cornstarch and food coloring. The lessons also taught about dinosaurs and the many different types. The children could also bring in a photo of their favorite dinosaurs to share with their friends.
In cooking enrichment classes, the children made ants on a log, green eggs and ham, shamrock shakes, and rainbow toast. In Spanish class, they learned and reviewed colors and numbers. In Music, the children learned about the most outstanding Italian Composer of his time Antonio Vivaldi who played the violin, wrote, and taught Music. Computer class is always fun for all; the children always look forward to exploring the activities on ABC Mouse.
April News:
Our theme for April will be islands and volcanos. The children will discuss what makes up an island and learn about the earth's layers. In Geography, the children will learn about the geographic locations of Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. We will learn all about their customs, Music, and food. Our literature book for this month is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr and John Archambault.
April Friendly Reminders!
Spring Egg Hunt- April 10th
Spring Photos- -April 11th-12th
Week of the Young Child – Spirit Week -April 17th-21st
Little Acorn Montessori Academy
Little Acorn Montessori Academy